If someone living in your property is an apprentice, and without them, there is only one adult living in your home, you can apply for a 25% discount on your Council Tax.
Find out more about this discount
This form will ask you to provide
- Your details.
- Your Council Tax account reference (if known).
- The full name(s) of everyone over the age of 18 who live in your property (including you, if appropriate).
- The full name of the apprentice.
- The date their apprenticeship started and the date it is expected to end.
- Proof of the apprenticeship.
Proof of the apprenticeship
You need to provide the following as proof of the apprenticeship. You can upload your proof to this form now or you can email it to us later but we won't be able to award you a discount until we have received proof.
You must provide:
- a letter from the employer confirming the name of the apprentice, the date their apprenticeship started and the date it is expected to end, and
- a wage slip.
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You only have 60 minutes to fill out each page of this form.
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Dover District Council is a Data Controller under GDPR. In submitting this form we will collect and process your personal data. For information about your rights and how the Council uses your data, please view our Corporate and relevant service privacy notice which can be found on our Privacy Page.