Dover District Council - Cost of Living Community Impact Fund
The Dover District Council Cost of Living Community Impact Fund is committed to identifying the impact of cost of living on our communities and supporting projects to help bridge the cost of living gap.
Before you start
We will ask you:
- For your contact details
- To tell us about your project
- To tell us your project costs
- To tell us about your organisation
- To provide your bank details
- To provide information on your financial reserve
- To declare the information you have filled out is all correct.
- To provide your additional documents (constitution and bank statement)
To prepare your answers, you can download our application template or view our application guide video.
Using this form
We recommend that you have as much of this information to hand as possible before you start the form. You have 60 minutes to fill out each page of this form.
Please do not use your browser’s back button - if you need to go to a previous page click on the ‘previous’ button at the bottom of each page.
Privacy Statement
Dover District Council is a Data Controller under GDPR. In submitting this form we will collect and process your personal data. For information about your rights and how the Council uses your data, please view our Corporate and relevant service privacy notice which can be found on our Privacy Page.