Unfurnished second home review

If we have written to you about more than one property, please fill in a form for each.

This form will ask you to provide

  • your contact details
  • address of the property
  • the Council Tax account reference
  • if the property is occupied, the date it became occupied and the full names of every adult who lives there
  • if the property is rented, the tenancy start date and a copy of the tenancy agreement
  • if the property is unoccupied and for sale or to let, details of the agents and proof of how it is being advertised
  • Executor details if probate was recently granted
  • if the property is undergoing structural alterations or major repair works, date the works commenced and proof of the works being undertaken.

Please have this information ready as pages time-out after one hour.

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Dover District Council is a Data Controller under GDPR.  In submitting this form we will collect and process your personal data.  For information about your rights and how the Council uses your data,  please view our Corporate and relevant service privacy notice which can be found on our Privacy Page